Taxiways C & D Pavement Rehabilitation Project

Project Description
The Holt Design Team analyzed values from a previously conducted Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and developed a phased multi-year pavement repair plan for the airfield. The 2021 projected PCI values identified parallel Taxiway Delta and associated connectors and partial parallel Taxiway Charlie as needing either rehabilitation or replacement of the asphalt surface. The Airport also decided to include the pavement replacement of the West Ramp as a Non-AIP bid schedule to the project due to the close proximity to Taxiway Delta.
The base bid work included approximately 23,400 SY of asphalt rehabilitation. The remaining base course was proof-rolled to determine any soft or yielding areas. Areas of base failure were addressed by adding cement to the existing base, then mixing and compacting as a reclaimed base course. New asphalt surface courses (3” light duty, 4” medium duty) were then constructed. Due to reduced cement reclamation areas required, approximately 2,700 square yards of additional Charlie and Delta pavement areas were replaced adjacent to Runway 1-19. An additive bid addressed Taxiways Charlie One and Charlie Two and included 2,600 SY of pavement area. The additive bid West Ramp pavement reconstruction was funded by an SCAC grant and included approximately 9,300 SY of asphalt and base replacement on the ramp that supports two airport tenants. During West Ramp construction, the owner added ten (10) aircraft tiedown positions (30 tiedown anchors total).
Project Description
Project Location:
Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) | Greenville, SC
Project Owner:
Greenville Airport Commission
Contract Type:
5-Year On-Call Contract
Holt Consulting Company Contributed:
- Project Management
- Pre-Design (Survey And Geotechnical)
- Design
- Grant Services
- Construction Administration
- Resident Project Representative
Project Highlights
Pavement rehabilitation method provided flexibility, cost, and time savings during construction. This method involved removal of existing asphalt, testing of existing base course to determine course of action. Yielding/soft subgrade led to use of reclamation of base course/soil with cement. Existing base material that passed proof rolling operations were then smoothed and repaved with either 3” or 4” of asphalt. This method helped reduce total required reconstruction/reclamation areas and due to underrun in reclamation areas, we were able to rehabilitate 12% more pavement than planned, while remaining under the original FAA budget and finishing original work areas ahead of schedule. The project received a “Quality Pavement Award” from the South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association in 2022.