Taxiway A Improvements Project

Project Description
Holt Consulting Company, under an on-call general engineering contract with the Richland–Lexington Airport District, was tasked with developing a multi-year plan for reconstructing the main parallel taxiway, Taxiway A, and its associated connector taxiways. An analysis was prepared by Holt which demonstrated that replacing the existing asphalt pavement with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement would render a more long-term cost-effective pavement system. Since the overall program was estimated to cost approximately $30 Million, the Airport District decided to break the project into multiple phases. The first phase included replacing connector Taxiways A1 and A2 and construction was completed in 2016. The second phase, Taxiway A, of the program included reconstruction of approximately 7,000 linear feet of Taxiway A in concrete pavement to meet Aircraft Design Group IV standards. The project involved construction of a 16-inch-thick PCC pavement section over a crushed aggregate base course and installation of a full-length pavement underdrain system. In addition, the project included design additives for removal of Taxiway F, drainage improvements adjacent to Taxiway A, and a new access road, Route Bravo. The bid additives however were not awarded with the project.
Project Description
Project Location:
Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) | Columbia, SC
Project Owner:
Richland-Lexington Airport District
Contract Type:
5-Year On-Call Contract
Holt Consulting Company Contributed:
- Design and Bidding
- Project Management
- Permittingc
- Construction Phase Services
Project Highlights
The project was designed under an accelerated design schedule to meet the FAA funding deadline. We also worked closely with Engineering staff, Airport Operations, and other stakeholders to develop a phasing plan that would minimize impacts to airport operations during construction. Additionally, we were able to complete the project under budget.