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Ramp 2 Pavement Replacement


Project Description

The purpose of this project is to replace deteriorated Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement on the Ramp 2, east taxilane. This pavement is being replaced since it has reached the end of its serviceable life. A total of 26,628 square yards of pavement are estimated to be replaced as part of the project. The existing pavement section consisting of 16 inches of (PCC), 6 inches of Cement Treated Base (CTB), and 6 inches of Soil Cement is being replaced with 22 inches of PCC pavement over the existing Soil Cement base with a bond breaker separating the two layers. The construction process involves removal of the PCC and CTB layers, replace underdrains, and repair the Soil Cement base as necessary using low slump concrete, drill and set new dowel bars/tie-in bars into the adjoining PCC panels, set new dowel baskets, add reinforcement as necessary, pour new PCC pavement, saw & seal the joints, and remark the finished pavement.

Project Description

  • Project Location:

    Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) | Atlanta, GA

  • Project Owner:

    City of Atlanta

  • Contract Type:

    5-Year On-Call Contract

Holt Consulting Company Contributed:

  • Design Services
  • Bidding Support
  • Construction Administration Services

Project Highlights

Construction phasing related to minimizing airline delays and gate closures.  Construction staging/phasing is the most critical aspect of this project as it involves closing aircraft parking positions and gates to complete the construction. The original concept recommended closing one gate at a time for 10 to 13 days each; however, during the stakeholder coordination meeting, it was decided to close two adjacent gates in three areas and construct them in pairs while only increasing the construction time in each area to 15-17-day closures. The total contract time for the resulting 13 phases of construction is 156 days. The adjacent Non-Licensed Vehicle Road (NLVR) is to remain open during all phases of construction.

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